Boise State University Helps Students Face Unexpected Events on Campus with Renters Insurance

Partnering with GradGuard has allowed Boise State to quickly and efficiently support students who experience property damage or loss on campus. 

Boise State University partnered with GradGuard in 2021 to offer renters insurance to students living on and off campus. The university had previously encouraged students to obtain insurance but had not worked with a specific partner to recommend coverage. 

Boise State integrated GradGuard’s Renters Insurance offering into their housing application process when they transitioned to the StarRez housing management system. According to Callie Hamilton, Associate Director for Housing Operations, the implementation was seamless and required minimal effort from the university staff. 

“GradGuard was probably the easiest part of our implementation,” Hamilton said. “To recognize that when we were trying to learn so much through StarRez, and everything was new, the fact that your team had come in and set up that page for us, so it was essentially just done and hands-off, was pretty easy.”

Partner Portal Makes it Easy for Staff to Know Who Has Insurance

During the housing application process, students are presented with the option to purchase GradGuard’s Renters Insurance. Hamilton’s team noticed some students paused to consider the offering, most likely to discuss it with their parents, and ultimately completed their applications without significant confusion or questions. The university staff was able to address inquiries about the value of the insurance and provide recommendations when needed. 

When a student’s laptop is stolen, a sprinkler head discharges or a fire happens in a residence hall, Hamilton and her staff can seamlessly support affected students.  With access to GradGuard’s Partner Portal, university staff can quickly verify a student’s insurance coverage and policy details, enabling them to guide the student through the claims process and alleviate stress during a crisis. 

“We had a leak with our air conditioning and a student had their belongings damaged. I went into the Portal and saw the student has active insurance with GradGuard,” Hamilton said. 


  • By partnering with GradGuard, Boise State University has reduced the time and resources needed to assist students in resolving property damage or loss issues. This allows students to focus on their education without the added stress of financial burden.

  • “There’s a lot of value in doing a little bit of work on the front end, to then save a whole bunch of grief on the other side of things because you’ve just made life so much easier on your students,” Hamilton said.

GradGuard's Renters Protection Plan promotes financial literacy by helping schools disclose resident liability for damages they may cause & providing an active choice for residents to protect themselves.


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